To find only Field Instances that meet certain conditions, a value filter can be applied when creating/editing a Field Query. Simply enable the “Value Filter” slider, and select/enter values for each Data Attribute that retrieved Field Instances should meet. For each Data Attribute, you may search for multiple different values (evaluated as logical ORs).

As a result, only Field Instances that have at least one of the selected values for each Data Attribute selected will be presented in the Field Query Report table.


Given the value filter on the right, the query will retrieve Field Instances that have either Jane or John (or both) as value of “Participants” AND either Planning or Review as value of “Topic”. Note that the value of Date is disregarded for evaluation because no search value is assigned.

Participants(Jane OR John) AND Topic(Planning OR Review).

Advanced filtering logic for Number Attributes

Attributes of type Number can be filtered by using mathematical expressions and logical operators. This allows you to perform threshold searches, such as retrieving Field Instances that either are lower or higher than a specific value.

The syntax is similar to the Jira Query Language (JQL).

How to search for numbers that are ...

  • Greater or Lower than

    • To search for numbers that are lower or equal than a specific number use "<" or ">". For example:

      • "<10" would return every field instance with numbers that are smaller than 10.

      • ">10" would return every field instance with a number that is greater than 10.

  • Greater or equal than/ Lower or equal than

    • If you want to include the borders, you need to also include "=". For example:

      • "<=10" would return every field instance with numbers that are smaller or equal to 10.

      • ">=10" would return every field instance with numbers that are greater or equal to 10.

  • Unequal to

    • To search for numbers that are unequal to a specific number you can use the "!=" operator. For example:

      • "!=10" would return every field instance with a number that is not 10.

  • Equal to

    • By default you will always search for a number that is equal to the specified number. However, you can also you the "=" operator. For example:

      • "=10" would return every field instance with a number that is exactly 10

Combing and ordering operations

  • Combing multiple operators using the OR-operator

    • You can combine multiple operators with an OR-operator by typing "OR" in between them. For example:

      • "<=1OR>10" would return every field instance with a number that it lower or equal to 1 or greater than 10

  • Combining multiple operators using the AND-operator

    • You can also combine multiple operators with an AND-operator by typing "AND" in between them. For example:

      • "<10AND!=2.5" would return every field instance with a number that is lower than 10 and unequal to 2.5

  • Determining the order of operations using brackets

    • To determine the order of operations, user brackets. Operations in brackets have higher priority. By default the AND operator is prioritized. For example:

      • "(>0OR<10)AND(<4OR>8)" would return every field instance with a number that is either in between 0 and 4 or between 8 and 10.

      • ">0OR<10AND<4OR>8" would return every field instance with a number that is either greater than 0, lower than 4 and 10, or greater than 8.

    • In the first example 5 would not be found because it is not between 0 and 4 or 8 and 10. In the second example 5 would be found because it is greater 0.

  • Keeping an overview

    • Some operations can get pretty long and get cluttered. You can use spaces to keep an overview. These will not have any impact on the results.

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