|Since 3.20.0-ENTERPRISE.|
Choose with just one click which information you would like to focus on when viewing the process diagram. This way, you know at one glance which process elements have a description, a comment, another BPMN process diagram, a DMN decision rule diagram, a document within your Confluence, a Confluence page or an external page linked to it.
|Since 3.25.0-ENTERPRISE.|
This feature provides an overview of all incoming links for a given process. It can be used in the editor as well as the presentation mode and grants contextual information while working on your process.
To activate it, click on the target button in the toolbar or find the incoming links button in the view section of the navbar.
For each link, the table includes the following information:
Name of the source diagram
Location of the source diagram (space and page)
Name of the process element
Type of the process element
For a more structured view of incoming links, use the filter option that allows to reduce the displayed links to a single space.