Features described on this page


Hosting Type

Release Version

Link Diagrams, Confluence Content, Webpages


Link Jira Issues


Link to a new BPMN Diagram


Visualization of Different Types of Links


Show Incoming Links to Diagrams


Link Diagrams, Confluence Content, Webpages  and Jira Issues

You have the possibility to create links from within your BPMN diagram to other BPMN models, DMN models created with the DMN Modeler for Confluence, Confluence pages, Confluence attachments, Jira issues (server only) and arbitrary external content (via URL). To create a link at a process element select the element by clicking on it, and click the "Add Link" button.

Alternatively you can select the element, open the attribute panel and click the same "Add Link" button under Business Attributes. In the shown dialog you have an autocompletion search for BPMN and DMN diagrams as well as Confluence pages. Each link can be completed with an optional description, that will be displayed in the attribute panel under Links to other content.

An overview of all existing links in a space or on a page can be obtained by using the [BPMN Modeler] Process Net . To get information about all incoming links for a diagram while modeling, see [BPMN Modeler] Incoming Links.

Link to a new BPMN Diagram

|Since 3.20.0-ENTERPRISE.|

The tab “Create new BPMN Diagram” allows to create a link to a new, empty BPMN diagram. It is required to choose a Confluence page where the new diagram is to be placed to (current page is pre-selected), and the new diagram’s name. You may also provide an optional description for the link which will be displayed in the attribute panel.

Notice: Using this method will create a new BPMN Modeler macro on the chosen Confluence page. If you don’t save the BPMN diagram after creating the link, the newly created BPMN Modeler macro will remain existent and needs to be deleted manually.

Visualization of Different Types of Links

Choose with just one click which information you would like to focus on when viewing the process diagram. This way, you know at one glance which process elements have a description, a comment, another BPMN process diagram, a DMN decision rule diagram, a document within your Confluence, a Confluence page or an external page linked to it.

To select which type of information should be displayed directly at the process elements, go to View and set / unset the checkmark at the desired attribute type. Alternatively, use the individual button for each type.

To turn on/off all link icons, click the link icon toggle button.

This configuration is only temporary for the current modeling session, to configure permanent settings for the current diagram set them in the settings menu ( Edit → Settings) under Links. See section Diagram Configurations below.

Show Incoming Links to Diagrams

|Since 3.25.0-ENTERPRISE.|

This feature provides an overview of all incoming links for a given process. It can be used in the editor as well as the presentation mode and grants contextual information while working on your process.

To activate it, click on the target button in the toolbar or find the incoming links button in the view section of the navbar.

For each link, the table includes the following information:

  • Name of the source diagram

  • Location of the source diagram (space and page)

  • Name of the process element

  • Type of the process element

For a more structured view of incoming links, use the filter option that allows to reduce the displayed links to a single space.