Field Objects define rich value stores that can be used as selection values in Field Definitions. They are very similar to Field Definitions as they also consist of Data Attributes. Unlike Field Definitions, however, Field Objects cannot be instantiated directly on a Confluence page. Instead, they are assigned in a Field Definition via the Data Attribute "Field Object Selection". When creating a Field Instance, users can then select one of the previously assigned Field Objects as the value for the "Field Object Selection" attribute.
Structure and specialties
Field Objects currently consist of exactly three, pre-configured, static data attributes. These are:
Weblink (static)
Confluence page (static)
The term “static” refers to the fact that, unlike for other kinds of Data Attributes, the actual value, e.g. a Weblink URL, must be determined in advance when the Field Object is created. These values will then be displayed on all relating Field Instances and users won’t be able to change it on a per Field Instance basis.
You can think of a Field Object as a rich kind of predefined, un-changeable value. Since multiple Field Objects can be attached to a Field Object Selection Attribute within a Field Definition, users may select one of these predefined values in their corresponding Field Instances.
TODO: Wenn Custom-Attribute Auswahl implementiert, screenshot wechseln
Use Case: Team Roles
Create Field Objects for different kinds of roles in your team. For example, create Field Objects for the roles Scrum Master, Product Owner, Developer, Tester, etc. For each of them, use the Label attribute for a role description, Weblink or Confluence page to link to the role documentation.
Use Case: Application Systems
Create Field Objects for different kinds of application systems. Use Label for a short description, and use Weblink to link to the application portal.