Quickly grasp the results of a Field Query and focus on data that interests you the most using charts.
Chart editor
The chart editor is entered by switchting to Chart View → Configure Charts. Besides configuring the charts themselves, the Chart Editor allows to select a default display mode for the Field Query (Table View/Chart View), as well as layouting options.
Creating a new chart
The “Add chart” dialog allows to choose a chart title, chart type (bar vs. pie chart), the type of analysis to be performed, and, of course, the Data Attribute to be graphically represented.
Categorical analysis
Categorical analysis assumes all values to be of a categorical nature. Hence, it should always be used when a Data Attribute contains verbal expressions (words), rather than numbers. It is meant to count (and group together) all Field Instances that have the same value selected. For example, if three Field Instances have the value “low” selected in the Data Attribute the chart is generated for, they will be grouped together.