Release Notes

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Cloud Updates
If you are a Cloud customer, you do not have to update your apps to have access to new features. This is done automatically by Confluence.

Cloud Releases

Expand below to see Release Notes for our Confluence Cloud App:

Release Date

Release Summary

Release Notes

Release Date

Release Summary

Release Notes


Backwards Compatible to Deal with Differing Atlassian Marketplace Specification

Specific customers were faced with problems not reproducible on any other Confluence instance. The reason turned out to be an outdated specification of our app being delivered to them by the Atlassian Marketplace, as they were in synchronization with a non-existent Marketplace version of our app.

To mitigate the effects of this for the time being and to give the Atlassian Marketplace team time to investigate, our app is now fully compatible with this specification.


Access Ressources like Diagram Files as User instead of as the App

Confluence ressources, for example the file containing the diagram itself attached to a Confluence page, can be accessed in different ways.

Apps can operate as themselves and appear as a technical user. Certain Confluence instances where not configured to let this technical user access the necessary ressources.

Instead of trying to access ressources as a technical user, our app now operates as the currently logged in Confluence user. This way, our app displays or even edits exactly the ressources a user would be able to view or edit as well. It does so in their name as it is a tool which is, in the end, operated by the users themselves.


New: Process Net and Usage Restriction Features

  • Add the new Process Net macro to any Confluence page to get an overview over all links between BPMN and DMN diagrams. In order to leverage the full potential of the Process Net macro, please follow the instructions to “Synchronize” your links:

  • Admins can now restrict usage to certain, specially whitelisted Confluence spaces. See our manual for further information.

  • Improved read and write operations for configurations on a per diagram basis like zoom level, shown diagram version and diagram name.


Large Models can again be opened as usual

  • Large models sometimes suffered a performance decrease. This has been improved.


Improved Quick Add Link & Comment Buttons

  • Improved styling and usability of the comment and “add link” buttons attached to selected elements

  • Updated dependencies


Quick access to add link dialog, new element type Collapsed Event Subprocess and BPMN Modeler Free to Enterprise Upgrade now in Confluence Cloud!

  • The overlays attached to a selected element now contain a button to quickly access the dialog to add a link to that element

  • Event Subprocesses can now be collapsed and then be entered

  • Organizations that used the BPMN Modeler Free in their OnPremise Confluence instance can now migrate all Free diagrams to the BPMN Modeler Enterprise directly on their Confluence Cloud instance

  • Overlay for element documentation is rendered any time a documentation exists


Usage Improvements

  • Enable using App in protected environment with no access to external URLs

  • Enable using Table Mode if there are BPMN “Group” elements without a name

  • Add user feedback when entering App editor from Confluence page edit mode

  • Improve UI for warning about attachment version history in Confluence page view mode


Confluence search now includes diagram names

  • Diagram names are indexed by Confluence search and macros are thus searchable

  • Preparations for becoming Atlassian Cloud Fortified


Fix Release

  • Space tool fix

  • License handling fix


API Upgrade

  • Upgrade to Confluence Cloud new API v2


Fix Release

Correctly enable macro creation on Confluence pages after migrating from Confluence Server to Cloud.


New Feature: Color-Picker with element selection

  • Coloring of BPMN elements can be done by the new color-picker

    • Change colors of multiple elements by selecting them with the selection tool

  • Improved Navigation Bar styling

  • Improved diagram comparison for special cases


Fix GitLab Authentication vulnerability

We have been made aware of a vulnerability in our Confluence Cloud app “DMN Modeler Enterprise” by a researcher of the Marketplace Bug Bounty program relevant for customers who have connected a GitLab instance to the app. This issue existed before the mentioned release date, the 19th of October 2023. All installations have been updated automatically and the issue thus no longer exists. No action needs to be taken on your part.

This vulnerability has been rated critical, according to the scale published on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS).

If connected with a GitLab project, our app is configured with a client secret. This secret authenticates our app with GitLab. Only logged in Confluence users were able to access this client secret. The client secret itself can not be used to access GitLab, but instead needs to be coupled with an access token which authenticates a specific GitLab user and lets our app act on behalf of this user. This access token was not accessible for anyone but the user themselves. Thus, no unauthenticated party was able to access any GitLab data.

Remediation actions have been taken and the vulnerability has been fixed by precisely following the GitLab procedure for implementing a safe OAuth 2.0 flow for authenticating as a third party app. This solution has then been discussed with our security experts and a repeated test by the researcher who first reported the issue was requested.

Based on our investigation, the vulnerability has thus not led to any impact on our customers or any disclosure of data.

Still, the client secret should not have been accessible and we want you to know that we take this issue very seriously. We are conducting a review of our internal processes and have already implemented additional security reviews - tool guided and by our security experts.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you might have.


Allow special characters in Space Keys

As personal spaces have their space key generated by Confluence, we allow certain special characters which are not allowed in manually created spaces.


Improve BPMN element coloring

Include special case which prevented re-coloring of BPMN elements in certain cases.


Description Editor now in larger window

New Features:

  • Description Editor can now be opened in seperate, bigger window

  • Description Editor can now handle mail adresses or weblinks


  • Saving a diagram with description with overlength is checked and prevented

  • News window closeable even in detailed view of one news item

  • Replaced lodash library by Confluence native underscore


Migration of links from Confluence Server/DC to Cloud improved


  • Add detailed logging for Confluence Admins for every failed link migration


Migration of links from Confluence Server/DC to Cloud improved


  • Cloud Migration path: properly convert Confluence page links in diagrams

  • Consistent handling of changed attributes in 'compare diagram' view

  • Proper dialog close handling 

  • Warning if token simulation cannot be executed seamlessly

  • Eliminate certain special cases which might have lead to a GitLab conflict when uploading a file


Improve GitLab File Upload

  • Eliminate certain special cases which might have lead to a GitLab conflict


Fix Release: allow changing the filename when exporting diagrams

  • allow setting your custom file name when exporting as XML or PNG file

  • correct filetypes when exporting


New Feature: Copy and paste process elements across diagrams

  • Process elements may now be copy and pasted across diagrams

  • Link overlays now show a content description on hover

  • Hide description overlay when descriptions are switched off

  • Handle special characters in cloud migration tool

  • Handle special input case when creating a new diagram while in the link dialog 

  • Improvement of dialog creation

  • Improve management of stylings

  • Library Updates


Display of warnings if XML is corrupted now only in Editor

  • Warnings about corrupted BPMN 2.0 XMLs are now only shown in Editor and not in Page View or Presentation Mode

  • Library Update


XML Editor Error Panel

  • New Panel in XML Editor showing warnings and errors of currently edited BPMN XML

  • New icon for links to other BPMN diagrams

  • New menu when replacing one BPMN element with another

    • menu now accesible via shortcut "R"

  • Improvements:

    • Help Wizard for Panel now highlights correctly

  • Library Updates


Maintenance Release

Improved access management to BPMN Editor coming from a Confluence page


Maintenance Release

  • added missing styles

  • add Edge browser compatibility


New way to create diagrams 

New Macro Creation Dialog:

  • directly choose a source to create you diagram from

  • create blank diagrams to start from scratch

  • import a local file

  • copy an existing diagram in Confluence, optional with complete version history

  • import a model from version control (GitLab / Bitbucket)


  • fix editing diagrams from the page editor

  • consistent handling of unsaved changes when importing a file


Create new diagrams and link them with one click, Safari Compatibility

New Feature:

  • you can create new diagrams directly from the "add link" dialog


  • compatibility with Safari browser

  • improved display behavior of comment and links icons

  • better shortcut handling for token simulation


Server & Data Center Releases

Expand below to see Release Notes for our Confluence Server | Data Center App:

Release Date

App Version

Release Summary

Release Notes

Release Date

App Version

Release Summary

Release Notes



Improve Visibility of Context Menus

  • Improve styling of context menus to avoid stacked seethrough menus.

  • Improved read and write operations for configurations on a per diagram basis like zoom level, shown diagram version and diagram name.



Preview of linked PDF attachments now opens in new window

Make use of Confluence PDF preview instead of supplying own PDF viewer.



Improved Quick Add Link & Comment Buttons

  • ​Improved styling and usability of the comment and “add link” buttons attached to selected elements.

  • Updated dependencies.

  • Large models sometimes suffered a performance decrease. This has been improved.



Quick access to add link dialog, new element type Collapsed Event Subprocess and BPMN Modeler Free to Enterprise Upgrade now in Confluence Cloud!

  • The overlays attached to a selected element now contain a button to quickly access the dialog to add a link to that element

  • Event Subprocesses can now be collapsed and then be entered

  • Overlay for element documentation is rendered any time a documentation exists



Usage Improvements

  • Enable using App in protected environment with no access to external URLs

  • Enable using Table Mode if there are BPMN “Group” elements without a name

  • Add user feedback when entering App editor from Confluence page edit mode

  • Improve UI for warning about attachment version history in Confluence page view mode



Improved Bulk Upgrade from BPMN Modeler Free to Enterprise

  • The bulk upgrade functionality for Confluence Admins to upgrade BPMN Modeler Free macros to BPMN Modeler Enterprise macros now runs even smoother enabling an easy migration from Confluence Server to Confluence Data Center or Cloud

  • Space Admins now only need to define mappings of BPMN elements to MDF Field Objects and no additional configuration of specific attributes is necessary

  • The App now runs even without the possibility to load manual and video links from an external source



Improved Link Handling

External links in BPMN models referencing the same page in which the BPMN diagram resides now open in the same tab.



Improved License Handling

In certain combinations the app and Confluence DC licenses were not handled correctly. This works now as intended.



Improved License Handling

  • Update the behavior of the space tool to work as intended with pools and lanes

  • Improve display of link icons at BPMN elements

  • Update third party dependencies



Improvements and Dependency Updates

  • Update third party dependencies

  • Correctly handle unsaved changes on import with drag & drop

  • Correctly handle special characters in diagram names in VCS

  • Improve rendering of embedded Managed Data Fields in the Attributes Panel



Minor Improvements

  • Improved Navigation Bar styling



New Feature: Color-Picker with element selection

  • Coloring of BPMN elements can be done by the new color-picker

    • Change colors of multiple elements by selecting them with the selection tool

  • Improvement of the GitLab Integration

  • Managed Data Field Objects Sync:

    • BPMN element mappings automatically update if MDF Field Objects are edited

  • Improved diagram comparison for special cases



Improve linked diagram preview




Improvement release

This release fixes a problem where in certain cases the diagram presentation mode was loading indefinitely.



Improved Database Compatibility




New Feature: Field Objects Map to Process Elements

  • as space admin: create mappings of BPMN Element Attribute to Managed Data Fields Objects

    • map BPMN Standard Attributes 'Name' and 'Description' to Field Object Attributes

    • replace the free input texts for BPMN Elements' name and description with a binding to the MDF Attributes

    • create mappings for BPMN Tasks, Lanes, Participants or Data Stores

    • compatible with Managed Data Fields Version 2.6.0-ONPREMISE

  • add support for Camunda 8 (Zeebe) automation attributes

  • render markdown description in hover overlays

  • improve app loading performance



Improve BPMN element coloring

Include special case which prevented re-coloring of BPMN elements in certain cases.



Compatible with new Type 'Field Object' in MDF

New Features:

  • Compatible with Managed Data Fields version MDF-2.5.0:

    • New Type 'Field Object' to define constant, reusable objects e.g. for defining Roles in MDF

  • Description Editor can now be opened in seperate, bigger window

  • Description Editor can now handle mail adresses or weblinks


  • Saving a diagram with description with overlength is checked and prevented

  • News window closeable even in detailed view of one news item

  • Replaced lodash library by Confluence native underscore



Improve GitLab File Upload

  • Eliminate certain special cases which might have lead to a GitLab conflict



Compatible with new Data Attribute 'Label' and Searchable Dropdowns in MDF

New Features:

  • Compatible with Managed Data Fields version MDF-2.4.0


  • Cloud Migration path: properly convert Confluence page links in diagrams

  • Consistent handling of changed attributes in 'compare diagram' view

  • Proper dialog close handling 

  • Warning if token simulation cannot be executed seamlessly

  • Eliminate certain special cases which might have lead to a GitLab conflict when uploading a file





Fix Release: allow changing the filename when exporting diagrams

  • allow setting your custom file name when exporting as XML or PNG file

  • correct filetypes when exporting



New Feature: Copy and paste process elements across diagrams

  • Process elements may now be copy and pasted across diagrams

  • Link overlays now show a content description on hover

  • Hide description overlay when descriptions are switched off

  • Handle special input case when creating a new diagram while in the link dialog 

  • Improve stylings of special MDF instances in attribute panel

  • Improvement of dialog creation

  • Improve management of stylings



Include diagrams in Confluence search and improve stability

  • Confluence search will now find content of BPMN models (re-indexing required)

  • Improved error handling if macro is missing parameters

  • Improved handling of ancient macros that were upgraded from the free app

  • Prevent overflow of Managed Data Fields in attribute panel

  • Library Updates



Display of warnings if XML is corrupted now only in Editor

  • Warnings about corrupted BPMN 2.0 XMLs are now only shown in Editor and not in Page View or Presentation Mode

  • Library Update



Library Updates

  • Core libraries were updated



XML Editor Error Panel

  • New Panel in XML Editor showing warnings and errors of currently edited BPMN XML

  • New icon for links to other BPMN diagrams

  • New menu when replacing one BPMN element with another

    • menu now accesible via shortcut "R"

  • Improvements:

    • Help Wizard for Panel now highlights correctly

    • Preview of linked diagrams is now resizable with correct positioning of loading spinner

  • Library Updates



Now compatible with Confluence 8.0.1




Now compatible with Confluence 8.0.1




Improvement Release




Improvement Release




BPMN Element restrictions & Christmas Special

  • Confluence Admins can now restrict the use of specific BPMN elements Confluence-wide

  • Christmas Special - Check out the news inside the App or our Blogpost



New Personalized Search Suggestions

Suggestions when searching for Confluence content now based on your recent activity



Improvement Release


  • better stability of the Process Net macro

  • Confluence 7.20. compatibility

  • faster performance of the Process Net macro



Security Release




Security Release




Maintenance Release




Maintenance Release




Collapsed Sub Processes & BPMN Element restrictions & New Attribute Panel



Maintenance Release *Manual Action required*

  • Gitlab / Bitbucket API Updates

  • Appearance and behavior when searching for content was improved



Maintenance Release

  • fixed a problem with diagram name validation



Maintenance Release

  • improved Jira compatibility

  • add Edge browser compatibility

  • added missing styles

  • fixed an issue with diagram validation



Edge Support and collapsed subprocesses

  • add download file support in edge browser

  • drill down into collapsed subprocesses in one BPMN model

  • minor bug fixes



Maintenance Release

  • improved Jira compatibility

  • add Edge browser compatibility

  • added missing styles





Maintenance Release

  • Improved authentication handling and repository search in linked Bitbucket repositories

  • Compatibility with Managed Data Fields v2.3.2-ONPREMISE

  • Improved user settings (visiblity of welcome screen, mini map, attribute panel are now saved properly)

  • Resolved an issue when importing a file as a new diagram with Chromium-based browsers

  • Milestone versions can now be created again as intended



New Feature: Overview of incoming diagram links

New Feature:

  • open a table overview of all incoming process links while modeling

  • see all affected dependents at one glance while working on your process model

  • For more information, visit our user manual



New way to create diagrams 

New Macro Creation Dialog:

  • directly choose a source to create you diagram from

  • create blank diagrams to start from scratch

  • import a local file

  • copy an existing diagram in Confluence, optional with complete version history

  • import a model from version control (GitLab / Bitbucket)


  • fix editing diagrams from the page editor

  • consistent handling of unsaved changes when importing a file



Diagram Validation Configuration on Space Level

Configure your modeling best practices on space level

  • use diagram validation to create easily understandable process diagrams as easily and efficiently as possible

  • apply your own requirements by building you own rules set on space level

  • regulate strictness of validation rules on space level



Compatibility Release

Establish compatibility with Confluence 6.15.x



Cloud Migration

Diagram Link Migration


Cloud Migration

To migrate Diagram Links to Confluence Cloud, this release allows to export important page information from Confluence Server / Data Center. The exported file can then be imported in the BPMN Modeler Enterprise Cloud app, which updates all Diagram Links.

For more information, visit



New Process Net Macro

IMPORTANT: after update, synchronize all links initially

New Process Net Macro

  • allows to insert a new Macro 'Process Net' to display diagram links as graph and table

  • get an overview of all diagram links between DMN and BPMN models

  • see dependencies and impacts of model changes

  • filter for processes, limit to Confluence space or page (incl. subpages)

  • compatible with DMN Modeler Enterprise Version 2.4.0

IMPORTANT: if you update from an older Version of the BPMN Modeler Enterprise, please synchronize all links initially as describe here



Create new diagrams and link them with one click, Safari Compatibility

New Feature:

  • you can create new diagrams directly from the "add link" dialog


  • compatibility with Safari browser

  • improved display behavior of comment and links icons

  • better shortcut handling for token simulation