[DMN Modeler] Published and Unpublished Diagram Versions

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Revision Control Integration with Comala Document Management

Server | DATA CENTER Cloud



Revision Control Integration with Confluence Drafts

Server | DATA CENTER Cloud



Revision Control Integration with Comala Document Management SERVER | DATA CENTER CLOUD

|Since 2.0.0-ENTERPRISE|

Special review and approval workflows cannot be implemented with the Confluence built-in mechanism of draft pages, because the person who edits the page can also finally publish it. This is where specialized apps like Comala Document Management come in. For individual Confluence pages or entire spaces, workflows can be created to control the final publication of contents. Only with the approval of designated reviewers a page is released and visible to its audience. Hence, users with read-only access will always be presented the approved version of a Confluence page. This scheme is also supported by the DMN Modeler Enterprise since version 2.2.0. When visiting a Confluence page that is controlled by a Comala workflow, decision diagrams are presented in their approved version. If one has the role of a reviewer, however, the view can of course be changed to see the unapproved version of a diagram. In addition, the preview of a linked diagram now always displays the currently approved diagram version.

Revision Control Integration with Confluence Drafts SERVER | DATA CENTER CLOUD

|Since 2.0.0-ENTERPRISE|

As you know you can enter the DMN Modeler Enterprise either from the Confluence page editor or from the Confluence page view. In both cases you get to the same diagram editor and can then freely edit your diagram. However, from where you entered the modeler directly impacts how your changes to the diagram are published:

  • If you have entered the diagram editor from the Confluence page view, all saved changes are immediately visible on the Confluence page (i.e., published directly).

  • If you have entered the diagram editor from the Confluence page editor, then your changes are not directly published on the Confluence page. Rather, just like changes made to any other content on a Confluence page, your changes to the diagram are only visible on the page once the edited version of the Confluence page is published. Until then the changes to the diagram are only a draft.

Thus, the diagram version shown on the Confluence page is not necessarily the last edited version of the diagram, but the last published version. When you are in the DMN Modeler Enterprise and open the version dropdown. the diagram version currently being displayed on the Confluence page is clearly marked as last published.

Note that whenever you enter the diagram editor the displayed diagram version is always the last edited. This version might not yet have been published but could be a draft version if one exists. If the version shown in the editor does not match the one currently published on the Confluence page, a message will let you know. Should you wish to publish this version directly without further editing you can do so by clicking Publish this version now.

Whenever you enter the presentation mode the last published is shown and the same is true if you follow a link to a DMN/BPMN diagram.



A Visualization

  1. Entering the diagram editor from Confluence page view

2. Entering the diagram editor from Confluence page editor

Some common questions on versioning

See answers to frequently asked questions: