[MDF] Everything to get started

[MDF] Everything to get started

Everything to get started Server | DATA CENTER

Managed Data Fields allows Confluence users to globally define structured Data Fields, access and instantiate them with values on Confluence pages, and monitor and analyze these values permanently as they are changed. The Confluence app not only enforces the structured documentation of information but also bundles this information in one place, allowing to conveniently make informed, data-driven business decisions.


Field Definitions globally determine the type, structure, and possible selection values for all your Data Fields.

Field Instances carry analyzable data and can be placed on any Confluence page. They always conform to their underlying Field Definition in terms of appearance, defined Data Attributes, and predefined selection values.

Field Queries allow to search for Field Instances and bundle the information in one place, no matter where they hide in the jungle of Confluence pages. Thereby, Confluence’s permissions system is fully accounted for by displaying user-dependent results. Keep track of all Field Instances or limit the query to those with specific values and/or in a certain Confluence space.

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