[BPMN Modeler] Modeling Support & Optimization

[BPMN Modeler] Modeling Support & Optimization

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Optimize Your Layout

Server | DATA CENTER Cloud



Server | DATA CENTER Cloud



Server | DATA CENTER Cloud


Optimize Your Layout  Server | DATA CENTER Cloud

To create well arranged and readable models, the app offers a set of functions to optimize your layout.
Align elements
Via Edit → Alignment you can align elements, that you have selected, to be arranged for example all at the same horizontal or vertical line
All options are also available as buttons in the toolbar.


Distribute elements

Via Edit → Alignment you can distribute elements, that you have selected, equally to have the same distance to each other - vertically or horizontally
All options are also available as buttons in the toolbar.


Center labels

It may happen that while moving elements around, labels to sequence or message flows appear to be placed out of sight. To fix this, you can use the center labels functionality under  Edit → Alignment. The selected flows will have their label placed in the receptive center. If no flows are selected, all labels in the entire diagram will be centered.
This is also available as a button in the toolbar:  .


BPMN element should have a short and sensible name. Nevertheless it may happen, that the textarea inside a task element is not large enough. To help out, you can enable task-resizing via Edit → Resize → Enable resize task (Toolbar: ). Then you can increase the size of a task element by dragging the corner of the text field. If you want to reset the size to default, use Edit → Resize → Set task to default size (Toolbar: ). 




Minimap  Server | DATA CENTER Cloud

For an improved orientation while modeling, the app provides a minimap displaying the entire diagram. It is available via the earth symbol  . The yellow box indicates which section of the diagram you are currently seeing and you can navigate by dragging the box around.


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