[BPMN Modeler] Process Net

[BPMN Modeler] Process Net

Features described on this page

Create a Process Net Server | DATA CENTERCLOUD

|Since 3.21.0-ENTERPRISE.|

The process net macro that comes with the BPMN Modeler Enterprise app is designed to show all links between BPMN and DMN diagrams in one place. In this way, wanted and unwanted dependencies can be detected and the effects of changes can be clearly assessed.

To use it, place the 'Process Net Macro' on any Confluence page you wish. On creation, you can choose to display the dependencies graph for an entire Confluence space, or only for one page incl. its subpages.

After publishing the page, the process net will display the links

  1. as a network graph

  2. as a table

See a detailed description for each view in the following.


Important Note:

New links between diagrams, which are created after upgrading to BPMN Modeler Enterprise version 3.21.0 are automatically fed into the process net database.

If you already have diagram links before you upgrade, you can synchronize them all at once with the database. Please refer to Diagram Link Synchronization for this. 

Alternatively, at page view all diagrams on the current page will be synchronized automatically with the link database.

Network Graph Server | DATA CENTERCLOUD

|Since 3.21.0-ENTERPRISE.|

In the process net graph each node stands for a diagram and each edge for an existing link. If the model element to which the link is set has a specific type, this is displayed as an indicator on the edge.


  • Move canvas: drag with mouse

    Move element: drag with mouse

    Open diagram in presentation mode: click on node

    Save layout: click 'Save' button in upper right corner

    Reset to last saved layout: click 'reset' button in upper right corner


Table View Server | DATA CENTERCLOUD

|Since 3.21.0-ENTERPRISE.|

The second tab of the macro provides a tabular breakdown of the graphical representation. You see one process in focus in each row.

In the left column, all of its incoming links are displayed, together with the specific model element this link originates from.
In the right column you can see all the outgoing links of the process or the decision, also with specific element.

The corresponding diagram and model element including name and type are specified for each link. A web-link to the Confluence page on which the diagram is located is hidden behind the "Page" icon.

Since the number of links and processes or rules can become very large over time, the table view offers various filter options:

  • Hide incoming links: the entire left column disappears

  • Hide outgoing links: the entire right column disappears

  • Process in focus: select a specific process for which you want to see the linking info; all rows for other processes are hidden