[BPMN Modeler] Managed Data Fields Mapping

[BPMN Modeler] Managed Data Fields Mapping

Features described on this page

Map Managed Data Fields to BPMN Elements Server | DATA CENTER

|Since 3.35.0-ENTERPRISE.|

Requires Managed Data Fields Version 2.6.0.

With the creation of [MDF] Field Objects, you have the possibility to build your own database of terms and expressions, just like a glossary.

To enable you to use these defined terms in BPMN models beyond attaching a Managed Data Fields instance in the attribute panel ([BPMN Modeler] Managed Data Fields Integration ), as a space admin you can create mappings between Fields Definitions existing of exactly one Field Object and certain BPMN elements. These BPMN elements are

  • Pool

  • Lane

  • Data Store

  • Data Object.



This mapping connects the BPMN element attributes ‘name’ and ‘description’ to the corresponding attributes of the Field Objects, with the effect, that the static value of the Field Object will be synchronized with the BPMN 2.0 XML Standard Attribute of the model element.

You no longer see free text input fields for ‘name’ and/or ‘description', but instead you have a Managed Data Fields Field Object to be instantiated in place based on the mapping you defined.



Tip: When changing the attribute value in the Field Object Definition, this change will be reflected in the BPMN model the next time you enter the diagram editor.